Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Dangerous Side Effects of Skin Bleaching

by Halima Abdallah Kisule
- Uganda -

Scores of Ugandans continue to bleach their skin despite a government ban on the sale of several lotions, creams, gels and soaps which are largely used to whiten, even and tone the skin.

• In extreme cases of skin bleaching, the skin can become multi-colored and marred with inflammation or scarring. Photograph courtesy of Halimah Abdallah Kisule. •Due to ineffective enforcement of the ban, these dangerous cosmetics are easily accessible anywhere in Uganda; whether sold over the counter, along the roadside or by hawkers, vendors move the skin lighteners easily due to high demand. Such is the popularity that skin-whitening products have gained today in Uganda. 
Medically, skin whitening (or bleaching) products are used for treating pigmentation disorders like freckles, pregnancy marks, blotchy uneven skin tone, patches of brown to gray skin and age spots. Skin pigmentation occurs because the body either produces too much or too little melanin, the pigment responsible for creating the color of our eyes, skin and hair. It also provides crucial protection against the sun’s rays by absorbing ultra-violet light. Doctors say that those with darker skin are less susceptible to sunburn and the overall effects of sun damage. 

According to dermatologists, skin bleaching can be achieved through a combination of treatments that reduce or block some amount of the body’s melanin production. Usually in the form of topical lotions, gels, pills and creams, these products contain melanin-inhibiting ingredients along with sunscreen. These treatments also contain amounts of hydroquinone, or mercury.

However, other cosmetics companies use natural ingredients to make melanin-inhibiting products. Extracted from plant leaves like the berry family, shrubs and pears, their naturally occurring arbutin leads to bleaching.

In Uganda, the practice of skin bleaching is common among adults with dark skin, especially women, but men also do it with little regard for the dangers posed to their bodies. Some people even use the products for BehindBased bleaching to reduce naturally darker pigmentation of the genital and perineal area. 

Consumers of bleaching cosmetics claim that they want to enhance their beauty. One woman who declined to be named, explains, “One has to look good, by having fair, lighter skin.” 

Unfortunately, her skin is now multi-colored from bleaching. She has red skin on her face, yellow on her arms and dark skin on her back. The skin on her knees, toes and finger joints failed to lighten and remain black.
For this woman, the condition of her skin has only brought her shame; she now tries to cover most parts of her body in an attempt to conceal the damage done by the products she thought would enhance her beauty.

Those in the medical profession explain that this condition occurs from allergic dermatitis or irritant dermatitis (abnormal, extensive and often local inflammation of the skin), both of which are common among people who have not previously used the bleaching cosmetics.

“I have cases where people get severe skin burns. It happens when people change to something new which causes allergic dermatitis and irritant dermatitis,” says Dr Misaki Wayengera of Makerere University Medical School.

He explains that the skin of the people using these bleaching products get inflamed, turns red, enlarges and begins to loose function as the cells fail to produce melanin.

Wayengera says that bleaching can be achieved medically using low dosage hydroquinone, recommended at 2%. He advises that it should be used only in the areas of the skin that need to be lightened. He also advised consumers to always read the contents of cosmetics because those that bleach cause health problems like skin cancer, leukemia, thyroid disorders and delay or prevent the ability to diagnose leprosy. Mercury is the most toxic of these ingredients and leads to liver problems.

Though the East African Custom Management Act of 2006 banned the import of all soaps containing mercury, products like Mekako soaps are readily available in the country having been smuggled in before being re-exported to neighboring Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda.

“They are smuggled in jerricans disguised as water while others come in through ordinary containers but are declared as cosmetics, when [in reality] they are drugs that fall under the NDA mandate,” says Gyavira Musoke, Head of Imports Inspection at Uganda’s National Bureau of Standards (UNBS). 
UNBS says that Kenya is blaming Uganda for failing to stop the importation of this toxic cosmetic despite the existence of the law. This is just one of the 400 prohibited cosmetic ingredients (that are defined as drugs under the Uganda National Drug Authority (NDA) regulations) that are on the open market. Products containing hydroquinone are still for sale after traders asked the Ministry of Tourism to give them some time to sell off their stock. 

Ready markets for these highly valued cosmetics suggest that smuggling won’t stop any time soon, but demand alone does not explain why one would continue to use these dangerous products.

“Such a person lacks self-esteem, has low self-efficacy and a perception that she or he looks ugly,” says Mr Robert Wandera, Coordinator of the Psychology Department at Makerere University. “It is common among women who are not educated,” he adds. 

Wandera’s colleague, Mr Calistas, says that it is very dangerous to have low self-esteem because severe cases can lead to suicide. 

He urges, “Do something positive to counter [your low self-esteem]. Take advantage of the good parts of your body or talents.” 

Prolonged use of bleaching cosmetics can indeed be disastrous both psychologically and physically. One lady who I encountered on the street declined to be named nor talk about her skin. Her dry, pale face showed no happiness. She had wrinkles too - not from old age, but from the effects of starting and then stopping the use of these cosmetics. I could easily read the disappointment in her face when I asked her to talk about her skin. Her response is a clear testimony to the negative effects of bleaching cosmetics and hint at the lengths some will go to for beauty. Her unhappiness is the other side of beauty that we rarely see, but one that can easily be avoided.

About the Author
Halimah Abdallah Kisule is a journalist in northern Uganda who, for the last seven years, has covered human rights, health, diplomacy, politics and education for numerous news outlets. She holds a diploma in Journalism and Media Studies and will soon receive her BA in Education from Makere University in Kampala.

Previously she worked for the independent newspapers, The Daily Monitor and The Weekly Observer, covering law and human rights issues, providing both with extensive investigative journalism.

Halimah endeavors to use her writing skills to bring awareness to the human struggle and find solutions to society's problems. She is married with two children

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Monday, February 24, 2014

What is Lanolin

What is Lanolin

wool wax
Lanolin (German, from Latin lāna, "wool", and oleum, "oil birth"), also called wool waxor wool grease, is a yellow waxy substance secreted by the sebaceous glands ofwool-bearing animals.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Hair and Skin

Have you ever looked at the back of any bottle of conditioner?  There are ingredients that you cannot pronounce let alone identify.  We are exposed to enough chemicals daily and we just increase our exposure to them when using conditioners and hair care products.  Olive oil is the all-natural solution to your hair care needs it has no harsh chemicals to irritate your skin.

Why Olive Oil Helps

The fatty acids that olive oil is made up of will coat the shaft of your hair, helping to keep it healthy and protected.  Using hair dye, flat irons and even using hair dryers can damage the outer layer of your hair.  Olive oil will coat the damaged outer layers of your hair, giving them a sleeker, smoother, and healthier appearance.

Hair care products are full of chemicals, which actually can damage your hair more in the long run.  Using a high quality olive oil as a hair treatment will give your hair back its health appearance, naturally.  Using a high quality olive oil means that you will be using olive oil that is pure, with no impurities, which is the best that your hair deserves.

Benefits of Using Olive Oil on your Hair

  • Dandruff treatments – Dandruff is usually caused when the scalp becomes dry and flaky, causing those unsightly white flakes.  Olive oil is a natural moisturizer.  When massaged into the scalp it will moisturize your scalp, reducing the appearance of your dandruff naturally, with no chemically laden shampoos.  Use the treatment as often as needed until the problem fades and then just once or twice a week to keep it from reoccurring.
  • Frizzy hair tamer – Dry hair is brittle hair and even just brushing your hair can cause split ends that turn your hair into a frizzy mess.  Using olive oil on just the ends of your hair moisturizes those brittle ends, and will help smooth down the split ends, taming the frizz and the flyaway hairs.  Use it after styling on just the ends of your hair to tame your hair.  This works great in the winter when hair tends to be dryer and this solution is perfect for those who routinely flat iron their hair.  When used after straightening your hair, olive oil will hold give moisture and a bit of weight to the ends, keeping your hair looking smooth.
  • Adds Shine – Healthy hair has a natural shine.  Damaged and dry hair looks dull and lifeless but you can bring your hair back to life with olive oil.  When used as a conditioner olive oil infuses your hair with moisture, restoring it to a healthy and beautiful looking shine.
  • Easier to Manage – Unhealthy hair is not easy to style; it is either limp or frizzy.  Using olive oil as a hot oil treatment will make your hair healthy and manageable once again.
  • Softens Hair – Some people have hair that is rough and course.  Weekly olive oil treatments are a natural way to soften your hair because it will saturate your hair with moisture.

Once a Week is all you Need!

With regular conditioner, you use it every time you wash your hair.  When you use olive oil as a treatment, you will find that you will likely only need to condition your hair once a week.  Damaged or course hair might do best with two treatments a week but you will not have to do it daily.  Typically, once a week for about half an hour, always before you wash your hair, will usually be enough.

How to Apply Olive Oil as a Treatment

You will need to start off with your hair unwashed but brushed.  Wear an old t-shirt and you might want to stand on an old towel or sheet because it will probably drip.  Do NOT do this in your shower; it will turn the floor of your shower into a slippery mess.

In a microwave safe bowl, pour about ½ cup of olive oil and microwave for just about thirty seconds.  You want it to be warm but not hot.

Use your fingertips to massage olive oil into your scalp so that your entire scalp is covered and then use a comb dipped in the olive oil to coat the rest of your hair.  Tuck your hair into a plastic shower cap or wrap your head in a towel.  Leave the olive oil on for half an hour and then wash your hair in the sink.  After you shampoo your hair, rinse with cold water but there will be no need to use a separate conditioner.

We are proud to announce that we at Queen of Shea use extra Virgin cold pressed Olive Oil in all of our whipped Shea Butters 

Give us a try today

And kiss dry damaged hair and skin goodbye

To use on skin simply to use in place of your current moisturizer 

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

21 Reasons to use Shea Butter

INGREDIENTS: Pure Premium High Quality All Natural Shea Butter.


Shea Butter will provide improvement in all the conditions listed below. As you use this multi-purpose cream you are likely to discover additional uses. The amount of time required for optimum results with various conditions may vary with each condition. Wrinkles, for example, require 4 to 6 weeks of daily use. Itching is relieved immediately.

1. Dry skin
02. skin rash
03. Skin peeling, after tanning
04. Blemishes and wrinkles
05. Itching skin
06. Sunburn
07. Shaving cream for a smooth silky shave.
08. Small skin wounds
09. Skin cracks
10. Tough or rough skin (on feet.)
11. Cold weather,
12. Frost bites
13. Stretch mark prevention during pregnancy
14. Insect bites
15. Healthy skin
16. Muscle fatigue, aches and tension
17. For before and after strenuous exercise
18. Skin allergies such as poison ivy or poison oak
19. Eczema
20. Dermatitis
21. Skin damage from heat (hot grease while cooking, radiation treatment for certain medical problems, etc.)

The information provided here or elsewhere on this site is not intended to constitute professional medical advice for treatment. We encourage you to consult your personal physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

For quality Shea Butter

And whipped Shea Butter Creams

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