Thursday, June 19, 2014

How to reduce or eliminate Body Odor naturally

Foods that cause body odor, including bad breath, are commonly caused by  red meat. Researchers collected questionnaires from 500,000 people, including both men and women detailing diet and other habits. Results showed that the natural body odors emitted by non-meat eaters were “significantly more attractive, more pleasant and less intense.”   Alcohol and Caffeine from coffee, tea and soda habits can add cause excessive sweating. Large amounts of caffeine can cause a variety of side effects, and while keeping your consumption between 200 and 300 mg daily, consuming more than 500 mg a day can increase side effects, including headaches, lack of energy, and excessive sweating.

Processed foods that contain high amounts of salt, sugar and hydrogenated oils can cause stomach irritation and trigger the production of body odor. Diets high in processed foods can also cause your liver to go into overdrive in an attempt to rid your body of the toxins contained in processed. This can turn into a body odor problem, which starts in your digestive system.

Odor friendly foods from plant-based diets provide high amounts of chlorophyll, and other phytonutrients that help cleanse and deodorize your body. The following foods can help reduce even strong body odors:

Parsley - This superfood is a blood purifier, and although it’s most commonly used as a garnish in American cuisine, this herb has powerful healing and purifying abilities. Parsley offers large amounts of chlorophyll which gives it the dark green color. This compound helps alkalize your body, and purify blood while it aids in the production of new red blood cells.

Celery – A popular diuretic, has the ability to fight odor by eliminating toxins in your body. Not only that, it also contains a balance of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. This crunchy veggie also stimulates the liver, and acts as a digestive aid to help eliminate the toxins that cause body odor.

Aromatic Herbs – Sage, rosemary, thyme, oregano, cilantro, lavender, mint and other herbs have been used for centuries for cooking and medicinal use. The essential oils contained in these herbs are responsible for their pleasant aromas. These wonderful smells add flavor to any dish, and the therapeutic benefits extend to the odor that comes from your body.

Limes – Citrus fruits provide a variety of health benefits due to their high antioxidant capacity. But another benefit of lime juice specifically, is that it can help reduce body odor. Its natural disinfectant and antibioticabilities help remove body odor.  Diets rich in fruits and vegetables generally will help reduce body odors. 

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