Monday, April 18, 2016

30 things to Start Doing Right Now to Improve Your Life

30 Things to Start Doing Right Now to Improve Your Life

 Image Credit | tinybuddha

Have you ever wondered why there are so many unhappy people around? It’s difficult to meet a happy person, and that is why we consider it normal when life is full of problems and sorrow.

It is not normal. The reality should be different. Happiness and peace should accompany our soul all the time. What makes us unhappy is overestimated expectations toward ourselves, our relatives, our income, our career, etc.

People who have overestimated expectations consider their imperfection and environment a reason of their unstable internality. They are sure to jitter because the reality differs from what they want, and they think they should make all dreams come true to recover poise.

But such assurance is not enough. Every day is the starting point of something new. While we make plans, life goes by, and we don’t become happier. Don’t make plans. Motivate yourself to live right now.

Make your every day amazing with these 30 things to do right now:

1. Spend time with right people

They love you and have a positive influence on you. They make you feel a passion to life, they accept you for whom you are, and you want to look up to them.

2. Meet problems with your head high

It’s not your problems only that can tell about you but the way you solve them and react to them. Problems will not disappear until you start acting.

3. Be honest with yourself

Confess what you want to achieve and whom you want to be. Always be honest with yourself because you are the only person you can rely on. Look for the truth in your soul.

4. Put your own happiness first

Your needs are important. If you do not take care of yourself and if you do not protect yourself, you make everything worse. Remember: it’s always possible to take care of yourself, taking into account the needs of those around you.

5. Be yourself and be proud of that

Your attempts to become someone else damages the personality inside you. Be yourself, use that person inside – his or her ideas, strengths, charm — and you’ll become a better version of yourself. If you can’t do that, you won’t be able to do that with other people.

6. Pay attention to the present

Everything wonderful happens right here and now. Right now is the only moment you have for sure, so stop thinking about your great future achievements. Stop living with your past or your future because life is what happens today. Be grateful for the moment your life gives you.

7. Appreciate the lessons you’ve learned from your mistakes

If you don’t fail sometimes, you don’t try and learn. Great achievements always come at the end of a long road paved with mistakes and attempts. Risk, fail, try again. Build a bridge to your success.

8. Be polite toward yourself

If you had a friend who spoke to you the way you spoke to yourself sometimes, would you be able to keep his company? Your attitude toward yourself is the example for others on how to behave with you.

9. Take pleasure from what you already have

The problem of many people is their waiting for happiness to come after achieving something great, a level of life their boss or friends have, for example. As the result, your whole life will be spent on constant work, and you will not have time to stop and admire the moment. Learn to take pleasure from what you already have.

10. Create your happiness

You waste your time, waiting for someone who’ll make you happy. Smile because you are the one who can do that. Choose your happiness and be the change you want to see in this world.

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon

11. Give a chance to your ideas and dreams

Life is not about getting a chance but using it. You’ll never be 100% sure you’ll succeed, but you can be 100% sure you won’t succeed if you do nothing. You will win anyway, whether it is success or a good lesson.

12. Believe you are ready for the next step

You are ready! Think of it. You have everything needed for taking a small step forward. Use a chance and the  resources you have, and do not hide from problems.

13. Build relations with new people when needed

Choose honest people who are a reflection of the personality you are or want to be. Build relations with people you are proud to call your friends, people who love and respect you.

14. Give new people a chance

It’s the ugly truth, but you can’t support relations with everyone who was your friend. People change, and your priorities change, too. Relations come to an end, but new relations appear. Trust your judgments, appreciate a chance to meet new people and become their friends. Be ready to learn, get ready for problems, but also get ready to meet someone who will change your life forever.

15. Compete with your old self

Get inspiration from people, value them, learn from them but remember: competing with them will be your waste of time. The only person to compete with is yourself.  Set goals to achieve more, and compete for becoming better than you are now.

16. Be happy for others

Be happy for people who succeed, and be grateful for everything good they do for you. Sooner or later, your attitude toward them will come back to you, and people will be happy for you, too.

17. Look for good in bad situations

When everything is bad and when you are upset, remember that problems can (and they will) make you stronger. Concentrate on what you have rather than what you don’t have.

18. Forgive yourself and others

Healing is forgiving. It doesn’t mean you forget about something that hurt you; it means you forget your pain, learn from it, and move on.

19. Help everyone around you

Take care of people. If you know a better way, show it to them. The more you help others, the more others will want to help you. Love and kindness bear love and kindness. And it will always be so.

20. Listen to your inner self

If it helps, discuss your ideas with your close friends, but do not forget about your intuition, too. Be honest with yourself. Do what your heart tells you to do.

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” – Henry David Thoreau

21. Do not allow yourself to stress. Take some breaks

Slow down and take it easy. Allow yourself to pause and go forward clearly and purposefully. When you are busy, a little break can bring you back to the freshness of mind.

22. Notice a beauty of every moment

Look for happiness in small events instead of waiting for something great to happen: a cup of coffee in the morning, a smell of homemade food, or hands of a beloved person in your hands.

23. Accept good even if it’s not ideal

Remember: the ideal is the enemy of good. Sometimes it’s better to accept the world and people rather than trying to idealize them. Learn to love unideal, too.

24. Work on getting closer to your goals

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Whatever you dream about, do something to move closer to it every day.

25. Don’t hide your feelings

If you feel bitter, give yourself time to take offense, but do not hide your emotions. Talk to your close friends about that, tell them what you feel. It’s not difficult to do, and it can be the first step toward your good mood.

26. Be responsible for your life

Let your choices and mistakes be yours, be ready to do something to solve your problems. You are the only person who should manage your life. And yes, it’s not always easy.

27. Develop the most important relations

You can’t be everything for everyone, but you can be everything for a couple of people. You do not need many friends, you need friends whom you can call real.

28. Focus on what you can control

There are a lot of things out of our control. Focus on what you can control. If you can’t control something at least control your attitude or reaction to it.

29. Focus on positive results

You should believe you CAN do it. Listen to your inner self, think positively. And take a step forward.

30. Think about how rich you are

When hard times come, it’s important to see everything in the long view: you can choose clothes to wear today, you have water, you are free to have weird habits, you have the Internet access, etc. Be grateful for what you have.

Which one of these are you going to implement into your life first?
Lesley J. Vos is a private educator and online tutor for college students, helping them reach academic goals and survive college life. She writes a lot, blogging for Bid4Papers and other cool websites on education, career, success, motivation, and writing. Lesley lives in Chicago, enjoys travels, and plans to publish her first fiction novel soon. Follow her on Twitter.

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