Monday, September 28, 2015

DIY Citrus Cleaner

Easy does it
Awesome DIY home natural cleaning spray 
I made this awesome citrus cleaner some time ago using just organge peels and vinegar 
I was really surprise at how well it cut the grease and such out of my bathroom sink 
This is most def a good 
Inexpensive cleaner you can use for cleaning and refreshing many surfaces 

  1. Save your citrus peels: As you use up different types of citrus, save the peels instead of throwing them away. Add these peels to a large mason jar.
  2. Add those citrus peels to a jar of vinegar: As you collect citrus peels, add them to a large mason until it's filled at least half way. (This could take a few weeks.) Once the jar has enough peels, pour vinegar over the peels until it fills the jar. Cover your jar with a lid, and allow it to sit in a dark place for two weeks. The longer you let it sit, the more the citrus will infuse into the vinegar. 
  3. Strain it: After two weeks, strain your citrus cleaner using a fine mesh sieve placed over a large bowl. Discard the peels. 
  4. Pour the cleaner into a bottle: Add your citrus cleaner to a spray bottle and use it as you would any other all purpose cleaner. 


  • Want to add a little something extra to your cleaner? Throw in a handful of herbs. I personally love adding in thyme or rosemary. They both smell great with the citrus!

The natural life 

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