Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Vitamin C fights viral and bacterial infections

Vitamin C is a most have in every diet 
Without vitamin c we simply would die
But in large doses it has been show to cure cancers 
Viral and bacterial infections 
Vitamin C kills both virus and bacteria directly, aids in neutralizing the toxins they give off, and also feeds our own antibodies and white blood cells. It has killing power against viruses. As much as 1000 milligrams of vitamin C can be used in an hour when the body is fighting illness. Seldom do people take enough or know how much to take. The body's own antibodies are unable to fight bacteria without vitamin C. 


Vitamin C is in the family of antioxidants. This means that it protects the body from "oxidants" which are harmful crippled oxygen compounds roaming freely, called "free radicals". A proper analogy of what a "free radical" does with a cell would be the following: A person who has lost a limb, such as a leg for example, in order to rebalance itself goes and "takes" someone else's leg, thus crippling them. This action occurs with molecule's which have lost an electron, and go and take an electron from a thriving cell, which kills the once thriving cell and then creates a chain reaction of theft from cell to cell creating destruction of areas in the body. This action repeated over and over is the cause of aging and disease in the body. There are other nutritional elements which protect life organisms from this occurrence as well as C. ( Discussed in other articles). Please observe that "time" is merely the "carrier" of free radicals, or you could say their action happens within "time". But "time" itself is not the cause of a life organism deteriorating, looking or feeling old. Time is not the correct target, in other words. 

Living in modern society the human body is continually subjected to chemicals or substances which are unnatural or foreign to it, such as air pollution, chemicals in paint, soap, shampoo, dry cleaning, etc. and the food we eat. These pollutants create "free radicals" abundantly in the environment. What vitamin C does is act as a "decoy". Any roaming radical goes immediately to it first, instead of robbing the body of its thriving cells. It essentially bonds with them and makes them harmless because they quit "roaming" and "searching"; they don't need to steal. It is perhaps the most important antioxidant in that it protects the other antioxidants, such as vitamin E from getting damaged. 

It has been found that vitamin C can even prevent or cure chemical poisoning because of this "decoy" action it has. Vitamins C and E work together as a team to scavenge and fight off foreign pollutants in the body. Any person doing industrial work should take plenty of extra vitamin C to account for what will be allocated to ward off the toxins and still have plenty left to fight bacteria or viruses floating about. 


Vitamin C detoxifies anything natural or unnatural which a persons body may not have immunity against.Studies have proven that vitamin C helps to prevent allergies by detoxifying the allergen before it causes a reaction. This author personally believes that people who are " allergic to everything" lack, and have been lacking vitamin C in their diet for some time. This makes sense because as our diets have grown poorer and poorer over time as a nation, our bodies are not getting enough C and what C we get is spent on detoxifying pollution, chemicals and drugs which are also more prevalent than they once were. Subsequently, more people are turning up with "allergies" to nearly everything. Yet, the human body was designed originally to withstand more stress and duress than any other life form on earth. Nature provides us with the solution for the body's ills and it would seem that those people who have "allergies" are not eating enough daily citrus fruits or getting some other supply of C. It is possible their ancestors were also lacking vitamin C and "allergies" were passed to them. Massive amounts of vitamin C can even detoxify poison oak, poison ivy, snake bite, spider bites and carbon monoxide poisoning. The quantity of vitamin C needed to detoxify a poison or allergen depends on the quantity of the substance which has entered the bloodstream. 

Vitamin C and Collagen 

Skin, tendons, ligaments, skin, bone, teeth, cartilage, heart valves, vertebrae, cornea, eye lens, and the ground substance between cells are all formed from collagen. Vitamin C is the chief ingredient in collagen. Without enough vitamin C, the body is unable to form collagen and is unable to repair itself. Some collagen forms in the absence of Vitamin C, but the fibers are abnormal resulting in skin lesions and fragile blood vessels. 

When applied topically on skin it keeps cells fresh and healthy. Observe what happens when you put vitamin C (in lemon juice) on fruit. It will not brown. This is the vitamin protecting the fruit from interacting from harmful aging oxygen compounds (free radicals). 

Fat Deposits

Vitamin C also helps to prevent and remove harmful fatty deposits from the arteries, escorting it to the liver where it is converted into bile and removed from the body. 

Vitamin C as an antibiotic

Dr. Fred R. Klenner, retired chief of staff at the Memorial Hospital in Reidsville, North Carolina used the vitamin as an antibiotic giving injections of 2000 to 6000 which brought fevers down within hours. In people who were extremely ill, it was reported that within an hour after giving massive doses of vitamin C, there were no traces in the patients' blood or urine. This is because it was completely used up in fighting the illness or fever. After 25 years of clinical research he considered it to be superior to antibiotics. 

Vitamin C and Cancer 

Approximately ninety studies have been conducted concerning the effect of cancer on vitamin C. The word "cancer" means "tumor". Tumors are formed from mutated cells. Mutated cells are caused by free radicals attacking them and, making them "confused" so they don't follow the regular DNA format and go off on their own. If one mutated cell replicates itself, it starts a tumor and grows stronger, taking nutrition from the other cells and warping the area it is in. This is cancer. Vitamin C destroys free radicals (anything toxic to the body), and it also destroys mutated cells, since they are "foreign" to the body and the immune system recognizes them as unwanted invaders. The more stress your immune system is under, the more Vitamin C is used, if it is available. If it isn't available, the disease will not be stopped. The truth is that mutated cells occur in the body all the time. It's just that our immune systems destroy them before they get out of hand. If not, it develops into a tumor, or "cancer" as it is called. 

How much to take: 

When vitamin C destroys viruses, bacteria, pollutants etc, the vitamin itself is also destroyed. Per nutritionist and biochemist Adelle Davis, as much as 20 to 40 times more vitamin C is needed when a person is ill. Many people may have tried simply "taking extra vitamin C" when they have a cold and not noticed much. This is because they do not take enough. When our bodies are exposed to stress (physical or emotional pressure), our stores of vitamin C are depleted by the adrenal gland which requires one molecule of vitamin C to make one molecule of adrenaline. One cigarette uses 50 mg. of vitamin C and an average of 200 to 300 mg. of vitamin C per day is needed to raise a smoker's vitamin C level to that of a non-smoker. If you drink alcohol, live in a polluted city, take drugs of any sort, smoke, or have stress in your life, all these factors use up the extra C you are taking and there is not enough left over to fight illness. Any type of strain reduces our resistance to infection. This is where the old wives tale " if you go outside in the rain you'll catch a cold" actually came from, although it is certainly not true in each case. There is some logic here in that when a person's body temperature is exposed to the elements, it is stressed which uses up vitamin C thus making the body less able to fight bacteria which may come along. The RDA is enough to prevent people from dying of scurvy, which is 60mg. This amount does not factor in how many milligrams are destroyed by whether or not people live in a polluted city, or drink coffee or alcohol, etc. 
Get vitamin C in daily with food
The list above in image
Rozzy Queen of Shea 
Quick and healthy Meals tha heal 

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